Still Water
Photo was taken when under crawlspace

Insuation and duct work
Looking in crawlspace down at vapor barrier and duct work

Dark area in crawlspace
Still water in crawlspace

Insulation and debris
Loose insulation & debris falling

Still water on top of vapor barrier

Hanging Insulation
Loose debris and insulation

Mold Spores
Mold Spores on Floor Joists

Bunched up insulation with wire hangers

Recent water marks on foundation wall to show where previous water had been

Vapor Barrier and Drainage pipe
Running drainage pipe over newly laid vapor barrier

Start of Column
Newly laid vapor barrier and about to wrap Column

SaniDry Cx
Just placed SaniDry CX in crawlspace

finished wrap to Door
Finished walls of Crawlspace and moving on to finial touches

Sump Pump Finished
Sump Pump Finished and Ready to keep water out of Crawlspace

Final touches
Everlast Door placed on to finish the job