Presentations by department
We heard about goals and past figures from our managers.

Let the games begin!
The team drove off-site to enjoy each others company.

The team did a relay race where each person had to put on a full outfit and race back to the start!

Not a dry eye in sight!
We all had a great time laughing and enjoying each other.

The competition was tough this year.

Our production manager, Jason, making a run for the finish!

Circle up
We all got a lot of laughs trying to pass a small hula hoop around a circle of 30 people!

Teamwork makes the dreamwork
Each person had to help the next pass the hula hoop around the circle.

Thank you solar sales team!
Awards were passed out within each department.

Thank you Call Center!
Our call center honored Susan who celebrated her one year anniversary with the company last month!

Employee Appreciation
No employee went unnoticed at this event. Jeff Thompson, owner, is shown congratulating the staff on a great year and good wishes going into the new year.